Admission and Fees
Preschool Program
Please contact us for 2024-25 fees
Per Year Includes supplies
Tuition does not include:
$150 one-time per family application fee
$50 per family Membership to Montessori In Delta Society (MIND)
$25 Emergency Kit
Please contact us for 2024-25 fees
Per Year Includes supplies
Includes French, Art, Music and
on-campus and off-site
Physical Education Programs
After School Care Available
Tuition does not include:
$150 one-time per family application fee
$50 per family Membership to Montessori In Delta Society (MIND)
$25 Emergency Kit
$200 Activity Fee
Donations (Recommended Minimum of $250 per family)
Volunteer Hours
Please contact us for 2024-25 fees
Per Year Includes supplies
Includes French, Art, Music and
on-campus and off-site
Physical Education Programs
After School Care Available
Tuition does not include:
$150 one-time per family application fee
$50 per family Membership to Montessori In Delta Society (MIND)
$25 Emergency Kit
$200 Activity Fee
Donations (Recommended Minimum of $250 per family)
Volunteer Hours
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Please note: Tuition and Fees listed on this website are applicable for the 2023-24 school year. The price of tuition and school fees change year to year. Please contact us for most up-to-date fees.
BBMS participates in the BC Government Child Care Reduction Initiative where families receive a fee reduction through the school each month based on enrolment. This program is applicable to children age 3, 4 and 5 years old attending the Casa program (including Kindergarten).
We encourage parents to consider Montessori education at as early an age as possible, as this is the time that Dr. Montessori identified the child as having an “Absorbent Mind”. During this very sensitive period between the ages of 1 to 6, children notice everything in their surroundings, the motions of their teachers, the finest details of work, and they develop their sense of will, concentration, sense of order, logical thinking and problem solving processes.
Criteria for Prioritizing Admission
Re-enrollment of current students
Siblings of students currently enrolled with Montessori experience
Siblings of students currently enrolled without Montessori experience
Siblings of previously enrolled students with Montessori experience
Siblings of previously enrolled students without Montessori experience
Students with previous Montessori experience
Children without previous Montessori experience
Our enrollment process includes several steps to ensure that families have all the information they need to consider Montessori education for their family.
Registration and Re-Enrollment
Applications for re-enrollment are distributed to our current parents in February, and returned to the school. Parents who have attended the AGM and Parent Education Meetings during the year will receive priority re-enrollment for their children for the next school year.
Applications for enrollment of new students to the program are available throughout the school year. Parents new to the program are required to observe the classroom of interest while in session and then to meet with the school administrator. Depending on the time of year, and available vacancies within the program, a new student may be immediately accommodated, or required to wait until an appropriate break within the school calendar, i.e. September or January.
Orientation Process
The first six weeks of enrollment are considered to be an orientation period for all new and transferring students. You will be advised during and at the conclusion of this interval as to the level of comfort your child is experiencing in the classroom. Please keep in mind that many factors come into play when a child enters a highly individualized program. Should the BBMS Staff in consultation with parents feel that BBMS does not satisfy the needs of your child, withdrawal procedures would begin within this time frame.
The fees to attend BBMS are based on the program, volunteer participation, number of children per family and payment options. The fees policy is explained below.
Fees Per Family
1.Each family pays a $150 registration fee when joining the school for the first time. Siblings of current students are not required to pay the registration fee.
2. Each family pays an annual membership to the Montessori in Delta Society, the non-profit society that oversees the school. The fee is $50 and is due upon enrollment.
3. We ask that each family with Kindergarten to Year 7 students make an annual tax-deductible donation of $250 (one per family) to the Montessori in Delta Society. A post-dated cheque is due when returning your registration package.
4. We rely on parent volunteers to help maintain and operate the school and keep fees to a minimum. Accordingly, we ask all Kindergarten to Year 7 parents to submit two post-dated default cheques in case they are unable to meet their volunteer commitments. Volunteer hours and default cheques are not compounded when multiple children from the same family are attending our school. Parents are allowed to opt out of the parent participation program, paying the cost for volunteer hours.
Volunteer Hours
Program (Oldest Child) Volunteer Hours December 31 June 1
Elementary 30 $400 $600
Full Day Kindergarten 30 $400 $600
Fees Per Student
5. Each student in the Elementary or Full Day Kindergarten program must own a school jacket. New jackets are available through the school. Consignment jackets may be available on occasion at a discount.
6. Each family must pay an annual fee of $25 per child for an Emergency Kit, which is provided by and kept at BBMS for emergency evacuations, in events such as an earthquake, fire or flood.
7. To guarantee your childrens’ enrollment for the following academic year, a 2 months tuition non-refundable deposit is required prior to the next academic year.
8. For families with more than one child in the same program at the school, tuition is discounted based on the program of the younger sibling(s).
Non-Refundable Deposits
Program With registration
Elementary Please contact us
Full Day Kindergarten Please contact us
Casa 3-4 Please contact us
Discount for siblings
Program 2nd Child 3rd Child
Elementary 5% 5%
Casa & Kindergarten 5% 5%
9. Each family must pay an annual special activity fee per child to cover the cost of enriched physical education activities, field trips and in-school special workshops. The activity fee for students Kindergarten to year 7 is $200 each. Casa 3-4 students are exempt from this fee.
10. The balance of tuition is the amount remaining after non-refundable deposits and discount or finance charges have been calculated. This amount may be submitted according to one of two payment schedules, which may be adjusted by a further discount. The options, adjustments and schedules are as follows:
Payment Options
Option 1
Annual Payment
Option 2
Monthly Payments
Adjustment 1% (cheque) discount —
Schedule July 15th (100%)
Oct 1
Nov 1
Dec 1
Jan 1
Feb 1
Mar 1
Apr 1
May 1
Out-of-School Care (OSC)
BBMS provides current families with an option to have their K – Year 7 children cared for in a licensed childcare service, on the school site, after school hours. A qualified OSC supervisor will engage the children in interesting extra-curricular activities.
The program includes a snack, outdoor play as weather permits, indoor games, crafts and activities. The adult to child ratio is 1 to 12.
Hours of operation are 3:00pm – 5:30pm daily (on school days).
Two OSC options are available:
Option Cost
Monthly. Payment per month.
Please contact us
Daily Sign-Up: OSC for the current day. An OSC Sign-Up sheet is located at the school entrance. Sign-up occurs in the morning pending available space.
Please contact us
Before School Care
BBMS provides current families with an option to have their K – Year 7 children cared for in a licensed childcare service, on the school site, before school hours. A qualified supervisor will engage the children in interesting extra-curricular activities. The adult to child ratio is 1 to 12.
Hours of operation are 7:30am – 8:30am daily (on school days).
Before School Care option:
Option Cost
Daily Sign-Up: Before School Care for the current day.
Please contact us